
Paolo Luongo is an agronomist specialized in the design of golf courses and obtained a diploma as a golf course superintendent from the Italian Golf course federation.

He started his career as a green-keeper then superintendent, Consultant agronomist, sports secretary and assistant and co-designer for other golf course architects, whilst also being involved on the construction of golf courses. He began designing golf courses in 1998.


Relying on a continuous professional development with F.I.G, A.I.T.G,B.I.G.G.A. and E.I.G.C.A he collaborates with Harradine golf on Italian projects such as Cortina D'ampezzo and other probable projects.


Dott. Paolo Luongo
Via Parco dei Pini n. 68 - San Biagio della Valle
06072, Marsciano (PG)
Umbria, Italia
mobile: +39 331 548 3328


Massimo Colombo is an Italian national and an expert in Aeronautical constructions. He studied Civil Engineering whilst specializing in local hydraulic infrastructures at the Torino Polytechnic. His experience in the field of real estate constructions as a Site Manager stretches 20 years.


His fascination for the environment has prompted him to join the Harradine Golf team as their Marketing Manager in Italy.

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